Does anyone know what the law states in NJ when it comes to the tenant's stuff after an eviction?
the situation: the tenant has been formally evicted by the local court/sheriff's office and currently the tenant's belongings are within the apartment
my questions:
it is my understanding the tenant has 30 days to take out their belonging before the landlord can throw it away - is this correct?
question 2 -
the situation: we already scheduled one visit with the tenant to remove their belongings and were surprised that she only grab a few items and shared she would be back for the rest (we weren't aware that she was planning to do this)
What I don't want to do is to accommodate my previous tenant's multiple visits to get their belongings out. Therefore, what is the law on this matter? do I have to accommodate her as many times as she requests in the 30 day period or was the one visit enough and I can just discard the items after the 30 days. (or something else)