Quote from @Bob Stevens:
Quote from @Robby Sanchez:
I have a deal I'm interested in and would like to know more about it but the broker specifically says "there can be no showings until a contract is executed" what exactly does that mean? I understand I have to submit an offer before I can see the property but How am I supposed to come up with an accurate purchase price if I don't even know what the insides of the units/amenities look like? Do I just submit an offer based on the information/pictures provided and then retrade if there's things that come up during the due diligence period after I have already submitted the offer?
thanks everyone!
You are 100% not understanding the realtor, NOBODY is going to ask you to put in an offer until you see it. If the realtor is really saying hey sign the contract before you see it , she should be disbarred.
PLEASE connect with someone doing deals, learn than apply what you learn,
I'm not understanding the realtor?....... this is why I made this post in hopes that someone COULD help me understand the realtor without me having to ask them directly. This is a multifamily property.
thank you for your insight