I CANNOT believe this is still ongoing. What kind of country do we live in when a man has to jump thru hoops for five years to gain what is rightfully his in the first place. I am also saddened by the fact that although not as bad, there have been quite a few stories like this in recent years involving squatters entering during a family vacation and obtaining some insignificant form of occupancy (water bill) that turns a petty B&E criminal charge into a long drawn out Civil case with the rightful owners always getting the short end of the stick, living in hotels while they try to legally evict criminals trashing their home and selling belongings. I wish I lived back in the good ol' days when if these things happened, the low lifes could be found being carried by six, rather than tried by 12.
Disclosure: I have read the thread many times over and understand the circumstance of this case and my example are Completely different. My story being similar is simply to highlight another reference to the flawed & terribly slow court system, and total lack of common sense being displayed in the entire judicial process.
@Will Barnard As always, Your calm manner and patients is something to be admired, studied and duplicated. It sounds like you're nearing the final chapters of your soon to be best selling book, If you start a gofundme I would gladly contribute!!