think about paying debt as guaranteed returns. If your student loans are unsubsidized at 7%, that's a decent return to knock those out.
Keep in mind a 1098-T allows for student loan interest deduction from taxes, so it reduces your effective interest rate. On that balance, probably $200-$300 net effect on your tax liability.
Maybe a balanced approach would be best. Reamortize student loans on longest term at best rate as possible. Enjoy the liquidity, benefits of the 1098-T and the extra cash flow can help you leverage rental properties.
However, I'm a firm believer in if you have debts have an asset behind it. I would never pay off my autos or house personally (for asset protection and leverage), but never use long term unsecured debt (>60 days).
Up to your comfort level.
If you are interested, I could point you to a market where you can buy a free and clear condo for 30K and it will cash flow $500-$550/mo and probably pay all or close to your student loans payments.