Good morning BP!
I'm glad I found this place, your knowledge, and more importantly, you!
I stumbled upon this forum from a growing, desperate place, and from where I reside in San Jose, CA. I'm in my prime, yet, quickly realizing that I'm nowhere near where I want to be in accumulating wealth. They don't tell you how to plan for a bigger future in Engineering school, who knew? Well, I must have missed that class, but I'm here now, and I thank you all in advance for all the help and guidance you offer.
Don't get me wrong, SJ is nice place to live, minus the expense, graffiti, and homeless problem. My wife and I have built a modest economic future, hopefully one that will include a bambino/a or two in the near future, and we have all we need to keep ourselves...content. That isn't the dream, however. What I want is a wealth capable of giving back to more than my immediately family - I want to have a bigger part in helping those in need. That's why I'm here, to figure out how to fill this void through real estate investing.
Here's the catch... Besides our current residence, a condo, I have no real estate investing background. Thus, I'm investing my free time to being a real estate investing sponge, and looking for any opportunity to cull fear and galvanize persistence. I know it will be hard, but I'm committed to adding one investment property this year, and grow exponentially from there.
So, there you go. Thank you for reading! I look forward to interacting with all you successful people.