@Bill F. Great reads! Thanks for sharing.
I get that the variation common in typical home design and construction does not lend itself well to automation or mass production. I am just not sure that such variation is necessary. Many millions seem content enough driving around the same beige Camrys, why not living in the same beige houses if the price is right?
Additionally, 3D printing actually allows for greater variation than conventional methods (who needs straight lines?). I actually know someone who is purchasing a printer from these guys: www.mudbots.com. And they have approved permits to build. I can’t wait to see how it goes. I have already done a lot of looking into it though and I don’t think the cost savings are really that great yet. The technology is still too new.
But, back to my original point, there really is a massive unmet demand for affordable housing and I am confident that, as long as we have capitalism, someone will figure out a way to meet it.
@Bill F.