You need to estimate your expenses as accurately as possible first. As part of that equation, you have to have a plan for financing otherwise, you won't know what cash flow you will be able to achieve, as that is a function of the interest rate and amortization period. I would assume at least $5k-$10k in repairs, even if the property is pristine, especially if you are inheriting tenants. Every time I've inherited tenants, I've had turnover. So for the short term, you need to keep enough funds to protect for any negative cash flow you may encounter up front.
For the loan, I would plan on talking to commercial loan departments at various banks since you have 6 units. They won't appraise with comps, but based on the rent and NOI. Verify you can qualify for a loan and what the ARV requirements, etc, are. Recently, my lender told me they would do a 5/1 ARM, 20yr am. with 80% LTV, assuming 8% cap rate in my area.
I would plan on driving down there, walking through every unit with the inspector. Then, if you are using a PM, take them with you to meet the tenants. This will quickly give you a rough gauge of expected turnover/problems you might inherit.