This property is based in the best school district for high school, Grissom, 9 out of 10. The average property is selling for $184K and those are 4 bedroom numbers. This is a 5 bedroom. The average rents for a four bedroom is $1,325 so we would push for $1,375 or $1,400 per month. The neighborhood report is attached for reference on the quality of this neighborhood, without a doubt an A+.
SQFT: 1,972
ARV: $175K to $190K
Beds: 5
Bath: 3
Neighborhood Class: A+
Age of HVAC: 2013
Age of roof: Mid-life
Estimated Rent: $1350-$1400
Purchase Price: $157,900
1 Yr Cash on Cash ROI: 11.2%
5 Yr Avg. Cash on Cash ROI: 12.5%
5 Yr IRR: 44.3%
Rehabs completed: New flooring throughout entire home, plumbing inspection (all functioning), complete lighting upgrade, ceiling fans, flush mounts, New stainless steel appliances, new dishwasher, new hood vent, Bathroom remodel, refurbished tub, upgraded electrical outlets and switches, refurbished kitchen cabinets, new counter-tops, power-washing of home and concrete, landscaping
youtube video (currently listed on the MLS at $169,900 but am selling direct at $157,900):
Email me for the detailed financial analysis
[email protected]
Tom Staub