It seems like a lot of people on here are saying "it's not our fault. If someone wants to be rich, all they have to do is work hard." Insert the exception to the rule. Oprah, Ben Carson, etc. End of discussion. But in reality those are the EXCEPTIONS they prove the point, not disprove it. Those who think it's really just a matter of working hard...have not really looked into the problem. It seems that it is too ugly to admit our safe, tidy little world that is so good to us, could possibly be evil and so unfair to so many. That is why we say "everything has changed and there is no longer racism" Because if it really did exist then it would partially be OUR fault. We are the ones that are benefiting and like the world as it is. But discrimination is a problem. It isn't just about color, but in the US it does matter... I live in and bear the burdens of the impoverished black community in Detroit. There are so many obstacles against a black male. It's not about just working hard, it's about working 10x harder. The ghetto swallows you up, and no government or aid can overcome what you see on a daily basis. We are shaped by our environments. I came from a lower income, college educated, but stable home environment. That alone gave me great advantages.I had the basic building blocks, such as the ability to be a carefree child. I never saw people murdered. My uncles didn't go to prison. If you grow up so stressed out because of the horrors around you that you can't focus on school and you only are able to focus on surviving...that puts you at a great disadvantage. Formative years are 0-7. The amount of positive words you hear by age 5 determines your whole trajectory in life. It goes so deep and I think the start is to have compassion. Maybe in the 1960's our country started to care about equality but we still have a long way to go. I am not saying hand-outs or reverse discrimination, dependence causes mental and financial slavery. Maybe compassion, conversation and friendship is where it starts.
Some people totally deserve where they are because of their fixed mindset, laziness, pessimism, selfishness and bad ethics.... i totally agree, but we cannot look at a whole entire demographic who are suffering and think its their fault when we turn a blind eye to injustice.
“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.”