This market is not going away any time soon. You will be competing with all cash investor buyers and you will lose because they are not "getting deals" anymore either. Cash investors in Cleveland are list and over and the only way you can combat some of this is by waiving contingencies, which can put you at further risk. All properties sold in Ohio are stated in "as is condition" - that means you are taking it in its current physical form/condition. No promises, no repairs, no insight. What are your options - you can go considerably up in price as a BRRR and waive inspections but if your appraisal comes back requiring repairs, you are DOA and you will be in competition with those who can close in 2 weeks cash and waive inspections if needed to get the property. Maybe cut the appraisal time down to 10 days, offer nonrefundable earnest money if it does not close, etc. Market is tightening up - who cares if you are paying more for it right now - hold it , make your money, gain your equity ...because there will be nothing left for you to buy. Be patient, keep writing offers an make the balance of terms attractive to the owner so they will take your loan over cash.