Hi Elisha,
I used NACA to obtain a loan modification on my primary residence. While there are many HUD approved counselors out there and some may do a better job, I don't think my modification would have been approved if I had not used NACA. They have a lot of clout with the banks. they could have done a better job on structuring the modification as my payment actually went up, not down, but there were a lot of unusual circumstances, too may to go into here.
With NACA, you rarely get the same counselor twice. Some are better than others. Some had bad attitudes and probably should have been working for the bank, not the HUD Counseling service. When they have one of their big Home Saving Events, it's difficult to get a phone appointment. They will guide you, but you have to do pretty much all the work.
Overall I would recommend them, but buyer beware. Make sure you do your homework and understand everything they are recommending and you'll be fine. Again, their strength is in their clout with the banks.
Rose Clime