After reading the criticisms here I feel the need to respond. Lori is my wife and I am the one who originally had asked her to post the question to see what other investors would do. We were actually looking for legitimate advice, not a ridiculous anti-business socialistic lecture.
Keep in mind the daughter is 23 years old, not a young child. We only recently bought the duplex this past year and have made incredible improvements on the property for our tenants. They have been very appreciative of all of the work we have put into the property. An eventual increase in rent due to the added costs was already in the plans. It was this situation which prompted me to consider raising it sooner rather than later.
On top of this, I work 60 -80 hrs every week doing very difficult and labor intensive work. My wife runs a business and takes care of our son. Almost all of our time is spent working. The small amount of time we get together is very precious.
When you invest money into a project, you are investing your time. When someone purposefully sabotages that project it represents wasted time and money. This represents more time and money I have to put in at a job to repair the issue and less time with my family. To say that I should just take it and be happy when an individual purposefully defaces my property is willfully ignorant.
To compare normal wear and tear such as a burnt light, damaged carpet and other expected issues to carving a pentagram into the new concrete is either purely ignorant or represents an individual who is considerably biased against investor's property rights in favor of the tenants.
I will say that every normal person I told the story to, our neighbors and the police all thought it was a big deal and that we should be reimbursed by some means.
Also, we only called the police after our tenants denied doing so. We had suspected that it may have been the neighbor on the other side of us who has multiple felonies and has been hard for anyone on the block to get along with. The police would not have been called if we had realized it was our tenant's daughter.
This is why we looked into our neighbor's video footage. There were also no mind games being played. The tenants called us and my wife did not tell the tenants outright that we knew it was their daughter because she had not spoken to me yet about how to proceed, since I was still working. We were never going to charge for a whole "new window" (i.e. new sidewalk). The reimbursement would have been for the patch job. I'm not sure where that comment originates.
There is no need for disrespect in this forum. It is my impression that people are here to learn from eachother, not point out (in this case invent) shortcomings.
I could go on but I need to get back to work building a brand new fence for my tenants. Thank you to all who gave legitimate advice.