You need to look at your spending to decide which credit card is best for you. As an example: If you travel frequently these travel cards may be right for you. However, I know way to many people who travel on vacation once maybe twice a year that it makes no sense. The card companies give 5X points on travel because most people don't travel that often. Then they give 1X points on other stuff because most people spend a majority of there money on other stuff. Don't forget to include the annual fee into your calculations. How much money do you have to spend to get your annual fee back? Here's my opinion: I'd rather get 2% on everything than 5% on travel and 1% on everything else. Do the math. At the end of each month look at your statement. How much money do you spend on the special point categories and how much do you spend on the other categories? I have multiple cards. I have a Lowes card gives me 5% back on Lowes purchases; BJ's card also gives me 5% on BJ's purchases (if they don't have it at BJ's we don't need it!!). Finally I have a card with no annual fee and pays 2% cash back! Winner Winner chicken dinner!
Good luck!