He's not any kind of gang leader. Although he's got a bunch of drug buddies. He's mostly just drugged out and crazy. His wife was at my place and saw some things she liked. She convinced him that I'm "evil" and that I hate her so he should steal my things to get even with me for being so evil as to hate someone like her. What's funny is I actually liked her before this...
Unfortunately, with any 8 to 5 type of job, everybody knows exactly what hours you will be gone, so it was pretty easy to break in since nearly everybody in my neighborhood is at work during those hours. He didn't have a job then so he had all day to plot how to mess with me. His friends and family actually helped him scope out my place. But it's been about a year since anything has happened with him. I just don't want to make something too tempting for him.
Anyway, I think the hidden cameras would be worth it if I actually caught him. Don't you have to post a sign saying there is a video surveillance for it to be admissible in court? I also like the idea of posting a reward sign. I think I might do both if I buy the property.
With the reward sign, isn't there a possibility of someone damaging something themselves then reporting somebody else for it just to collect a reward?
And another interesting thing I learned during this... If someone makes a threat against your property, but not you, the police will do nothing about it. It's not illegal according to the police. They might patrol your neighborhood more, but that's it. They only care about threats to a person.
"I will burn down your house when you're at work." - Legal
"I will burn down your house with you inside." - Not legal