The fact that you’re reading this article shows that you have more than a passing interest in Florida county real estate foreclosure auctions and Florida county real estate tax deed foreclosure auctions.
Your interest should be piqued as the aftermath of COVID-19 will probably leave In some parts of Florida a ravaged Real Estate market.
As a new investor, you’re probably wondering what your options are. You may have a vague idea of what Florida county real estate foreclosure and tax deed auctions are and how they operate, but gaining a complete understanding of their inner workings can be tricky.
Nuances of Starting to Invest Using County Auctions
After arriving in Florida many years ago, I (a seasoned real estate investor) was astonished by how different the look, style, and operation of county real estate foreclosure and tax deed auctions was from California, Colorado, and Kansas!
Some of these differences defy logic and make no sense at all, but once you master them, there are riches to be gained.
Crucial to understanding county real estate foreclosure and tax deed auctions is education, education, and more education. is a great resource for not only finding real estate but also learning about county real estate foreclosure and tax deed auctions in general. You can count on to guide you through your real estate investing journey.
Now that you’re staring through the window of opportunity, you have to assess your options and decide where to start. I suggest the very beginning!
If this is your first rodeo dealing with county real estate foreclosure and tax deed auctions, I recommend starting small. That way any mistakes you make (although reading all of the articles and watching the videos on will help you avoid most) will be small.
Rest of the article: >>> How to Start Investing in County Foreclosure & Tax Deed Auctions, & Wholesalers