The way Section 8 works here in Dallas, or at least how the ladies at the HUD office explained it to me is:
Aide is based on the need; single parents receive more than a single person
The more children, the greater the aide
The aide amount is based on HUD's FMR (fair market rents), which uses a calculation the includes bedroom count. This is why a single mother with 2 kids would get more than a single elderly person. More kids requires more rooms.
Most of my former tenants did not qualify for the full 100% of the FMR for the houses I had. Most were at either 80% or 90%. The deal I made with them (verbally) was this: I didn't charge them the difference in the rent if they kept up the property. If there was a problem, they were to call me immediately. They couldn't have anyone move in without my permission, or the deal was broken. Now, I was lucky with the tenants I had. None of them really messed up the properties. Their children did draw on the walls, but who cares, its just paint. They knew, if they screwed up, they were going to have to pay me all the missing back rent, or I would go to HUD and report them for non-payment. As for damages, HUD paid for 50% of anything outside of normal wear and tear, as long as I agreed to re-list the property for Section 8.
I am looking at doing section 8 again, and I will follow my golden rules for section 8:
Use the local churches to the property: Offer the preacher a church donation for helping you find a "truly deserving" tenant.
I only rented to single mothers: I am adopted, so I guess I have a soft spot for single mothers, they also tend to be better tenants.
I only hire locals to keep up with the landscaping: It shows that I am helping out the local community.
I do quarterly inspections, but always randomize them: I never went on the same day twice... I ensured I was only required to give a 24 hour notice.
I drive by the property at least 1 time per month.
I helped the neighbors.... This is huge!!! I would have my lawn guy take care of the yard next door or across the street... In return, I would request they contact me if they see anything going on... This is great to ensure drug dealers aren't living in the house!
Good luck, and let me know if you have any questions!!