Asher Anthes my business is all virtual terminal so I think I'm paying higher either way. But I see your point about the fees adding up on the rental payments. PayLease charges $10/month for the account and then charges you fees on top of that so I'd say that option is out for sure.
But listen to this idea! You could have them sign an automatic draft agreement and print the checks yourself. One signature allows you to print and deposit checks with a "no signature required" stamp. If you use Quickbooks or Quicken this will be an easy and nearly free solution. If not, there are a ton of options out there. In a previous business I used Check Writer, a $20 software from Best Buy or Office Depot. We printed 100s of checks per week and authorized every transaction via phone. But in some cases used printed forms that you could easily create and get tenants to sign, giving you authorization to print and deposit rent checks.
This way you can print the checks yourself every month and deposit them with no fees. Your only cost is $20 for the software and $20 for a box of 500 checks. It might even be a 1000 checks but I can't remember. Either way, this would be very inexpensive and super convenient for you.