Good luck @Indasia Summerfield !
If you haven't already, I would start listening to all of the podcasts you can from BP. From there, listen (especially at the end of each one) to which books people talk about as their favorites with respect to real estate investing/business/etc. So far, i've found value in Rich Dad Poor Dad and 106 Mortgage Secrets All Borrowers Must Learn - But Lenders Don't Tell. Listen/read from Dave Ramsey. Check out Multnomah County Libraries. You can get use of these books, ebooks, etc for free! Free to register at the library too - of course.
You need to find a real estate broker/agent whom people trust and you can too. They will be the absolute primary resource to guiding you with lenders, contractors, property management, local updates, best rental areas, best appreciation areas.
Whenever you look at a property, you can get quick information by having some of these websites up at the same time: rentometer (local rent rates), zillow (general rents, home values, local school ratings, tax history, pictures, maps), (permits/cases, tax history, owner information, all documented property details by Multnomah county, detailed crime rates, and tons more), rmls (basic property info), (usually includes past rental income information), and tons more i'm sure.