Originally posted by Jeremy M.:
Yes, I understand that POF means cash. But this cash does not need to be from my own bank account.
Then good luck with an educated seller taking you seriously. If the cash isn't in your bank account, you don't control it. Unless the true owner of the cash gives you a signed letter granting you unrestricted access to that cash, you're just making an offer based on a promise and nothing more. What if the real cash owner changes his mind just prior to your closing date? What if he gives the cash to another buyer with a better deal?
If you make a cash offer, and don't have the cash in your "pocket", you're risking your earnest money deposit. Are you that confident your private lender will give you the money? If your private lender is supporting you that much, then why not have them deposit those funds into your bank account prior to you making offers so you can show POF in your own name?