Thanks for the info link. As I mentioned in the other post, I've been doing research on all aspects of real estate investing for two years while slowly building up my knowledge and contacts. I started a non-profit community-development corporation which does affordable housing (new construction and rehab) in Chicgao.
I came to the work as a grantwriter and program developer and started attending meetings, reading books and learning the business from the perspective of the professional investor. I've talked to hundreds of investors in Chicago, bankers and hard-money people. I learned how to do property research using many free info tools that are available online. I had been thinking about real estate investment since reading Robert Allen's first book in 1984 and it took me nerly twenty years to take action, during which I missed the biggest real estate boom in American history. So for those who are thinking about waiting, I can tell you from experience don't do it, you're only leaving your own fortune on the table by waiting.
I'm active now and have a lot of potential deals working through information from the network of investors that has grown up around me.
Some ideas on finding wholesale properties that other investors shared with me include: check your county recorder of deeds for lis pendens notices; form a real estate investment club; create and mail out a newsletter (paper and electronic); market yourself to church pastors, funeral home directors, and accountants who often hear about proprty deals and potential sellers.
Thanks again for your tips