Originally posted by "joelhusvar1":
I'm tring to get financing however everyone is shutting me down. I've called wells fargo, hsbc, citi, ect and I keep getting the same answer. They will not finance a 2 family property to a LLC; only commercial. They want me to personally guarantee the loans. Whats the point of having the LLC then? I'm looking to open this company and borrow under the company's name. How do I get financing? My debt and also my partners are minimal at most and we both hold jobs we could get personally approved however it defeats the purpose of opening the LLC then. I'm at a stand still and cannot understand why they will not finance. The properties I plan to buy have existing tenants willing to stay and have been there for years. All of the numbers work I just need the financing to make the wheels turn. How is everyone doing it?
If your LLC has no history or collateral, then what is preventing people from forming LLCs, opening up large credit lines, cashing out and walking away with the money? Banks will require someone with a credit history to personally guarantee loans made to an LLC.