Hey Scott - congratulations on the progress and momentum. I read one of Warren Buffets biographies,and the central metaphorical theme was that of a snowball rolling down hill. It (Warren) continually gathered more snow (capital), making it move faster and able to attract/retain more and more snow. The start is hard, but once we get moving in a direction, we can make much more progress with less risk than previously possible.
Just the other day, I was meeting with my banker reviewing the most recent deal I put under contract, and I was asking him if the pace of my growth was something I should be concerned with. After a pensive and silent pause that only a 70 year old banker can muster he asked "how much do you really need?" Previously it was always "more", I was going as fast as I could acquiring good properties and quality financing. However, that question made me again assess my business from the 30,000 foot view and realize that I have achieved my initial goal that I set out to achieve. Keep your head down, work hard to form good habits, and before you know it you'll be rolling downhill.
Cheers and Happy New Year!