@Aaron K. it crossed my mind to help her find something more affordable but thanks for that push because since she does not use a computer i am sure i can help her find something faster and maybe assist with the move
@Andrew B. good point. i didnt think about the ageism aspect. I am conditioned to think its the seniors that have a case when you discriminate against them but you are correct. I would not be surprised if the others sued when they found out. they have had it good with the low rent for a long time.
@Derrick E. i believe 2-3 of them will either move or get evicted. one guy has been paying $450 including heat and he drives a mercedes. his lease is for $850 but the prior owner just asked him to clean up property and take garbage out. he doesnt do that and the owner didnt want the hassle of taking him to court. i can sustain the vacancies because of my other properties so if some of them moved, i would welcome it.
@Marc Winter i will look into charitable organizations. thank you for that idea
@Jennifer S. the prior owners were relaxed. i do not think they adequately screened the applicants. they went by word of mouth. They owned the house since the 70s so it was more like a hobby than anything..
@Joseph Cacciapaglia i am trying to position myself to refinance in August. rates were good last i checked but i have to the rents up and separating the utilities