I just reached a point in my business that I need to improve my bookkeeping systems and procedures. I feel that with the 5th property I can support the cost of buying Quickbooks.
BUT I dont want to spend hours and hours training to learn it. I will do some seminars in Lynda, but that just to get a taste. I decided that I will hire a VA from upwork ( I already found one and interviewed her) to set it up and maybe do once a month my book keeping.
My questions are:
1) She said that she will create a QB file and set up the accounting system in her computer . Once she's done she will send the back up to me. Then I can restore it and check it. Also, each month she will update entries in QB file and send the back up. Same deal, I will restore and check her work. Does this make sense?
2) What information and in what format should I send her? I was thinking the a. Chart of Accounts that I want to use (I took this from J. Scott when I purchased his book) b. bank transactions and cc statements c. export in excel format from my PM software (I use RENTEC direct)
Any more advise you think of in automatising my bookkeeping procedures I would appreciate.