Thanks Sam, I am running it up several flag poles for sure, and getting good advice, and getting my own ways of handling it properly validated, etc. Found another guy on my facebook group that had fought it the wrong way on a rehab in the Heights, and he ended up having to take 5 feet off his porch, but he did change the footprint going back with concrete under the wooden deck porch, rather than keeping the wood deck framing the same, and he extended the concrete out past the porch itself, which did in fact change the original foot print, my project manager has been doing these rehabs 40 years in Houston, but this thing really stressed him out, and he knows the inspectors really well, the tipping point for him was that they were using a aerial google map image of the house and porch, which isn't valid for a gazillion number of reasons, we are going back in this morning at 8 am hoping to just have a different inspector, and getting a 2nd opinion, because our recent survey shows the building line and house structure and porch are within the measurements that they are calling for, thank God for that!