@Eric Fitzgerald
Open an excel sheet and put your income in one column and expense in another. I break up mine bi-weekly since that's how I get paid. Figure out how much money you can use to pay off bad debt faster.
Getting free of consumer debt and then staying out of it is the best thing you can do for yourself. When you're 25 you'll thank your 20 year old self for giving you freedom.
Exercise. Discipline in health leads to discipline in other areas. Savings/investing and fitness are both slow. The daily choices build the bigger picture. Both are tough, both involve internal struggle, and everyone assumes the results happen over night.
Read Dave Ramsey "Total Money Makeover"
Have roommates and live as cheaply as possible. You don't need granite counter tops, or a roof top pool.
If you get into a relationship keep your goals your main priority. This doesn't mean treat someone poorly, but state your intent up front and align yourself in relationships that support that goal. If it doesn't support the goal it's not you, it's not them. Neither is wrong it's just not a match.
Continue to educate yourself