Hey @Shawn Parsh -- how's it going? I appreciate your thoughtful advise, especially since you're doing similar deals in TN. Yes, I am in the process of putting together a team of advisors (including an experienced developer and other fix/flip investors). If all goes well, I may be able to partner with this seasoned developer in Baltimore to help me through the process and we're currently discussing what that partnership might look like. I also like your general rule about buying the worst house in a decent neighborhood, and it's been on my mind to do exactly that -- About a month ago, I placed a bid on a distressed house in a nice neighborhood, but my offer was too low and the competition was brutal. So back to the drawing board....and yes, the financial piece has to make sense... I work as an investment officer for my 9-5, so I'm always looking to see if the numbers work before I make an offer. I know cities like Baltimore scare a lot of investors but I've seen a lot of activity lately as if folks have finally decided it's time to act. Thank you so much for your feedback Shawn!