I've bought 3 properties (9 units total) since last June. I am now under contract for 2 more (an additional 6 units) closing in April and May. This is really hard, from a financing perspective. Pulling together the money for down payments, getting financing, etc. It has been stressful from time-to-time. My husband and I both have full time jobs and make good money but we are scraping by, BECAUSE we are putting EVERYTHING into real estate. A lot of people are telling me I'm moving too fast. That I should slow down. I just see it differently, and focus on where we are going to be in 2/3/5 years, if we keep going at this pace. We are not taking on any personal debt to pursue this journey; we don't have car loans, student loans, or carry credit card balances. The only debt we take on is mortgage debt and only on properties that are cash flow positive. Would love to get other perspectives on this. Is there such a thing as moving too fast in real estate?