Hey @Tasha Beal,
I'm a newbie, so a lot of my thoughts are pretty basic (and possibly uninformed!) right now. I'm still very enthusiastic about sharing them!
My thinking is that when I'm running the numbers, I will want to run them as if I have a property manager even if I'm managing the property myself. Anything can happen, especially at this time in my life, so I want a deal that I know will still generate positive cash flow with a property manager. That being said, I have heard assertions that property managers generally take 10% off of the rent, though I haven't actually talked to any in person to confirm this. That would be something I want to learn more about.
My business partner seems more interested in managing the property than I am, and since his dad is a construction manager it's better off if it's near him. My thinking is that I don't really care about how this first deal fits into my other deals. This first deal is my tutorial property in a sense. After this deal, I will have gone through the experience and will know much more as far as if I want to continue investing, at which point I will find a location to settle down in.
I have a couple years left until I finish my degree, and will probably leave Charlottesville after. However, anything can happen in two years!