@David Waddleton
Cleveland all day long.
It’s the new Dallas.
There’s a reason it’s been the most popular answer on your thread.
I’ve bought 34 units there in the last 12 months.
It won’t last long.
Those who keep talking about “population decline” in relation to Cleveland probably know nothing about the market.
Do yourself a favor and visit.Talk to operators on the ground,not some data wonks on BP who just simply regurgitate what they’ve read on some blog article (probably also written by some paid author who hasn’t visited Cleveland in 10 years).
It is also slowly but surely changing from a strict “cash-flowing market” and is sure to be seeing some crazy appreciation soon.
It’s the law of demand and supply.Investor interest (especially OOS) is just manic at this time!...again just check out responses on this thread alone.
Once it completes this cycle like Dallas,it will be clear who missed the boat.
Then they’ll be saying how they should have bought in Cleveland “when prices were still affordable “.
**Just avoid EAST CLEVELAND no matter how good the deal looks on paper.
Oh last but not least:
I live in Jacksonville.
Ignore anyone telling you they have properties less than 100k.
They’re trying to lure you into war zones.
It will end badly.