@Damien C.
In Virginia, buyers have to be given the condo/hoa docs post contract. Buyers then have a 3(?) day kick-out period if their review of the docs is unacceptable for any reason whatsoever. The clock starts running when the docs are received by the buyer. The document package contains financials as well as covenants and restrictions, rules, minutes of Board meetings, etc. Finding whether a particular development is FHA approved is easy to do online through HUD.com
I go a little further in contacting management with additional questions; ex. upcoming potential assessments that have not been formally proposed, etc.
Some condos have a restriction as to the number of non-owner occupied units. This is to protect financing options and maintain HUD approval - a plus in my mind.
I learned this stuff years ago the hard way - maybe some here can avoid my mistakes. There are some developments where I have as many as 4 units. I make an effort to have a good relationship with management.