If i understand you correctly you are speaking of what is known as a "Double Closing". In residential properties most lenders want to see typically a 6month to 24 month "Chain of Title" on previous owners. In residential, if you buy low and sell high, just be prepared to explain the increased sales price to the new buyers lender, unless its cash. In commercial "Double Closing" are MUCH easier. Take point. If a seller (A) has a property he MUST SELL, or I find a great price on, then I (B) will ask him to sign a "Option to Purchase" Contract for our preset price, lets say 4m. He is not obligated to list with me, and can still sell on his own, but I would have first right of refusal to that sale. Now since I also have a vested interest in this property I can now market it myself at what I would like to make on this property. So lets say I find a buyer (c) who feels he is getting a GREAT DEAL himself of a sales price of 5m, and rights a contract. I have two options at closing, if I dont want Seller (A) to know I am flipping the property the I might bring a quick note or hard money loan to pay, or cash depending on the price. Or, if I notify A of what I am doing, I can use C money/loan to cover A, and pocket the difference. I hope that helped :violin: