100% Commercial Financing? YES!!!
Found the deal but you don't have the down??? We can help! We are a full accredited Commercial Down Payment Assistance Program. The criteria is simple:
1) Seller MUST be willing to work with Buyer to optimize Commercial DPA.
2) Property must have sufficient equity in order to structure the DPA into the purchase.
There are several key benefits to our program:
a) Ability for Buyers/Investors to obtain Multi-Million Dollar Commercial Assets with NO out of pocket Down Payment!
b) Better Rates/Terms! Because of the new LTV %, thanks to Commercial DPA, banks will offer both better rates and terms on your loan.
c) Sellers willing to work with our program will open the doors to MORE BUYERS, which will allow them to obtain above average NET figures, while cutting there days on market!
d) Real Estate Agents and Commercial Loan Brokers. Get more deals done, PERIOD! ! !
For more information please fill free to call or email me with any questions or property scenarios. Thanks.
Chad M Black
Managing Partner
Midas Capital Funding, LLC
[email protected]