Originally posted by @JD Martin:
I have said this before, but I think the biggest problem for me with wholesalers is that many - maybe most - of them don't have the means or ways of actually closing on the property, and to me knowingly signing a contract without the ability to close is at best totally unethical and at worst outright fraud.
Not to come out of left field, but when you buy an Option on an underlying Security in the Stock Market you may never have the intention (nor is it required) of purchasing said Security in the future but rather speculate for profit/loss on the option to purchase or sell that security instead of using it as a long term investment strategy.
I know this is apples and oranges in a sense, however I see a direct correlation between the two in that both underlying assets are being speculated upon by the Buyer.
In my opinion Wholesale Contracts are no different than Option Contracts. Both are contracts of speculation on an underlying asset for a finite amount of time with the possibility for profit or loss.
And saying your a cash buyer is basically the same as saying your the living person doing business in America; it's all Cash. Go to dinner tonight and pay with your credit card, guess what, at the end of the night your credit card company is paying that resturaunt cash on you behalf. Buying a property with 250k in bank financing: does that make you a Cash Buyer when using other people's money just like a Wholesaler uses OPM to close?
That's my 10 cents, my 2 cents was free! Lol