Here is my experience on partnering with other people.
I used to have partners with other people. What ended up happen is everybody wanted to cash out and run away at the very first sign of inconvenience.
Later on, I shared this experience with a business owner I befriended. He told me something that made perfect sense. Most people are W-2's and have W-2 mindset. Meaning if they start a business they will always see it as a side gig. In other words, if there is even the slightest inconvenience or risk, they will quit and run away.
And since W-2's make up the overwhelming majority of the population, it is very hard to find another entrepreneurial minded individual to partner up with. I'm gay and I've been told it is even harder to find another entrepreneur to partner up with than finding another gay dude to date.
For example, when the pandemic shutdown and eviction moratorium hit, my business partner's natural instinct was to sell everything, pull back, and dig in. I disagreed. I thought now is the time to expand. If we want to survive this, we have to expand and look for other sources of revenue while we still have the resources and strength.
I think of it in a military sense. If our walled city is under siege, most people would want to close up the gates and hope for the best. Slowly starve. From my perspective, we need to fight RIGHT NOW while everyone still has the strength and we still have the resources to carry out a battle. If we wait it out, it just means we will die slower.
Well, we fundamentally disagreed and parted ways. I went ahead and used the remainder of my resources to obtain more properties from other landlords who are in distress.