What to Expect at the 12/6 & 12/7 Note Investing Strategy Workshop!
In my last book “Note Investing Fundamentals…Your Guide to Launching a Successful Note Business” I touched on the 3 C’s of Note Investing. You can count on us deep diving into this concept as it relates to building your business while having some expert speakers on to discuss various topics in each of the C categories. This is a NO UPSELL workshop and will be rich with content!
CREATION: How you brainstorm with purpose and structure so that the end result is a well-developed game plan as it relates to sourcing, due diligence, asset management, and your overall company make up.
CONTROLS: All the systems you need to put in place to so that you build a note business that fits your vision.
CASHFLOW: After you have converted the note from a distressed state to a profitable one, all the exit strategies available to you.
The last Early Bird Special ends this Sunday, 11/17, so register today at https://www.noteinvestingmadeeasier.com/notetraining/