@Bruce Woodruff I think you raise a valid point - there is certainly a lot of hysteria around the topic. Hysteria is very popular, and validates a lot of people's ineptitude and/or laziness and allows them to dismiss the idea of buying a home as impossibility without thinking critically or creatively.
That said, there are many markets, and I live in one of them, where even if two people are working full time at good jobs they can't really ever even dream of affording that "American Dream" house. I know couples who make combined ~$200k, but the average mortgage payment in most of the South Bay Area is like $8k and lenders won't consider their applications.
Yes, they could move out of state (as many have). Yes, they could lower their standards or find better jobs or start a side hustle or borrow private money to house hack or whatever. But that's the social contract we've come to expect - people willing to put in an honest days work 5+ days a week for 40+ years of their life ought to be able to live the American dream. And if they can't... why work a job at all? Why even live here?
I think our populace lacks financial savvy, but I also don't think it should be as hard as it is.