Whats going on everybody? I'm new to the community and to real estate investing. Just recently took a WIA course on Wholesale and looking to start my path with this approach. The first thing the course taught, and I know this can apply to most businesses, is to network with buyers/investors.
I live in the south Florida area and I know there are a few options to consider networking with and one I was considering was joining a local REIA. I went to a few websites to look for local REIA's in my area and turns are there are more than just a handful..... there are lots of them. I almost feel innundated because I'm not sure which ones I should attend to or if I should just go to all of them and see which ones I like.
Just like how there was an article and post about internet social networks and how its not good to spread yourself so thin I'm thinking the same thing applies to REIA's but I could be wrong.
Any input on how I should approach my networking or getting involved in a REIA would help. Thanks