Hello Jeremy, let me start by saying that I am sorry about the position you have been placed in. As a Licensed Agent I can tell you this happens very frequently. As John stated, forced placed insurance is ONLY for the interest of the mortgage company leaving you to fend for costs if something else were to occur.
I am not sure how you have been searching for insurance, but if it has been "over the phone" you are wasting your time. You need to head to an office and find a reliable broker who can use his connections to locate you some coverage. It will be quite high, hopefully lower than your forced insurance, but it could potentially be the same depending on the payout of your previous claims. My advice is just to get your foot in the door, having a lapse in your coverage is going to be the killer for high costing insurance premiums. Grab something from the broker, accept that you are going to have to pay a much higher premium than what you are used to, tough it out for a year, and then shop around again.
Your claims back at 2014 will be counted for about 5 years depending on the carrier. As far as the copper pipes that's an underwriting decision, and I kind of say what they don't know won't hurt them. Of course I am not saying to give false information, but only answer what they ask.
Good Luck!