Hello fellow BPers!
I am a single family/condo investor with 3 properties under my belt. I am interested in getting into multifamily for a while and i have some really good properties vetted out and scouted.
I am now in a place where I feel I can break into it if I think creatively. So I am looking to meet someone who may be interested in partnering with me.
My ideal situation would be to find an experienced, successful investor who would feel good about working with me, in exchange for my driving around / flying to places,hustle, and the desire to do whatever it takes to get it done to get a GREAT deal.
I understand that a successful project requires that you have two of the three things: knowledge, hustle, money. I have been doing an endless hustle(driving and flying to see properties) and have a few projects which i have everything in place. I am willing to put in a little equity, take owner ship of the project and do whatever is required to make this work. I am willing to be flexible in a ways that makes sense for both of us as far as as it favorable to both.
So right now I have (TOP 5) properties that i have vetted out of 55 plus properties and looking for the right person for this.
The areas I am concentrated are in Utah,Idaho and MT. I have one property close to getting under contract ,so get back to me if you think this is something you are interested in!