Look for some private lenders who will do a cash out refinance on your residence. They are much less strict than the traditional banks and base the loan primarily off of the collateral asset (your house). These companies can give you anywhere from 70-80% LTV based on what your property appraises for. The interest rate will be higher than a traditional bank loan as well, but it's worth it if you are going to be putting that money you pull out to good use (which I'm sure you plan to!). Also, with a refinance loan, prepare for the appraisal to come in slightly lower than a typical real estate appraisal to purchase. Not sure why that is but from my experience and other investors here, the appraisal may be a bit lower than your liking. However, if you are looking to pull equity out of your property and the banks are giving you ****, I would look to a reputable private lender who is willing to do the refinance without making you jump through hoops. Best of luck!