An S Corp can be an owner of an LLC but an LLC cannot be a shareholder of an S Corp (except in the limited circumstance that I explained above and the IRS has not even made that clear). See IRC Sec. 1361:
(b) Small business corporation
(1) In general For purposes of this subchapter, the term “small business corporation” means a domestic corporation which is not an ineligible corporation and which does not:
(A) have more than 100 shareholders,
(B) have as a shareholder a person (other than an estate, a trust described in subsection (c)(2), or an organization described in subsection (c)(6)) who is not an individual, (emphasis added)
(C) have a nonresident alien as a shareholder, and
(D) have more than 1 class of stock.
The exempt organizations are generally nonprofit organizations and the exempt trusts include trusts owned by individuals.
As such, it is likely that a land trust with an LLC as a beneficiary does not qualify as a shareholder. I will have to look into this one further.
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