Just a few pages from my Lease Agreement
The term of the Lease is a periodic tenancy commencing at _____Address of Property___________ on (Date and time) and continuing on a month to month basis until the Landlord or the Tenant(s) terminates the tenancy.
Upon the greater of 7 Days notice and any notice required under the Act, the Landlord
may terminate the tenancy under this Lease if the Tenant(s) has defaulted in the payment
of any portion of the rent when due, and that amount is still due after any grace period
required by the Act.
Subject to the provisions of this lease, apart from the Tenant(s), no other persons will live
in The Premises without the prior written permission of the Landlord, except for
Name of Occupant Relationship Age
Name of Occupant Relationship Age
The premises shall be used as a residence with no more than ______ Adult(s) and _____
Child(ren), and for no other purpose without the written consent of the Landlord.
Overnight Guests:
No guests of the Tenant(s) may occupy the Premises for longer than one week
without the prior written consent of the Landlord. If a guest stays longer than one
week (7 consecutive days) it shall be conclusively deemed an unapproved
subTenant(s) under the rental agreement and just cause for termination or a $50 per
day fee or both.
Rent for this rental unit located at ______Rental address, city and state__________________________
is $_________ per month and will be due on or before the first of every month
of the term of this Lease, allowing for week-ends and Holidays.
Payments will be mailed to the following address or at such other place as the Landlord
may later designate. (List your Post Office Box or your Business address)
Tenant(s) agrees that rent monies will not be considered paid until Landlord or
Landlord’s Agent receives the rent monies, either by mail or by delivery to the above address.
Tenant(s) placing rent monies in the mail is not sufficient for rent to be considered paid,
and rent will be considered unpaid until receipt thereof.
How Money is applied
Monies received in our office or in person, given to (Name of your company, or it’s
owner(s), employee(s) or agent(s) ) will be applied as follows and in this order:
1. Any outstanding bills brought forward from the previous month or months.
2. Any miscellaneous charges the Tenant(s) may have accrued.
3. Water Bills/Utility Bills
4. Rent
If any portion of the rent is still owing after all payments have been applied, then the
Tenant(s) recognizes that he/she is in violation of their Lease/Rental Agreement and is
subject to eviction and will be filed upon as “non-payment of rent”.
The Tenant(s) will be charged an additional amount of $25.00 if rent is not received in the
Landlord’s office on or before the 5th of every month, for any Rent that is received after
the latter of the due date and the expiration of any grace period under the Act, if Any.
If there are multiple Tenant(s)s signed to this Lease/Rental Agreement, all such Tenant(s)s
are jointly, severally and individually bound by and liable under, the terms and conditions
of this Lease. A judgment entered against one Tenant(s) shall be no bar to an action
against other Tenant(s)s.
The landlord may increase the Rent for the Premises upon providing to the Tenant(s) the
greater of 30 days notice and any notice required by the Act.
Pro rated rent:
Rent from ________________________ to _________________________
Rent from ________________________ to _________________________
Rent from _________________________ to _________________________
Nancy Neville