Great question. Now, EDUCATION is HUGELY IMPORTANT. But as a rule, college is NOT a good place to get an education these days. It's mostly nonsense and lies. Yes, that sounds extreme. But it's true. I've had 6 kids in college for the past 13 years, and 2 of them are still in college. WAY TOO MUCH of the education is focused on teaching the acceptable left-wing narrative of victimhood and "America is bad". Questioning that narrative can hurt your grade with many professors.
Hillsdale College is a good place to consider, where you'll be taught to think. Or Patrick Henry. Or Liberty University. I went Harvard and it's a joke these days, one of the many universities where they'll silence, bully and cancel you if you don't toe the line on the leftist narrative.
No matter what you do or where you go, be a LIFELONG LEARNER, always asking questions, listening, reading, thinking, learning. If you do go to college, remember it's NOT about what you learn, it's about LEARNING TO THINK AND LEARN and grow.
The first half of Mindset by Carol Dweck is worth reading, to learn to have a growth mindset and to not fear failure but learn from it, and only fear not having tried.