Originally posted by "brainfreeze02001":
1) First of all these investors probably don't want to risk giving up a lot of their time out of their busy schedules to risk teaching someone who will probably give every excuse in the book for never actually starting when it comes time and
Yes, unfortunately there are a lot of people who will never actually make a purchase. But, I haven't even made my first purchase yet, and I'm pretty sure I can tell who these people are after only hanging around here for a month.
Originally posted by "brainfreeze02001":
2) Any real education cost...... It costs money,
See, this is where you lose me. In every other venture I have ever been involved in, whether it be technology or neuroscience or career strategy or whatever, I have always had people more or less approach me to be my mentor. Now, I don't mean they come to me and say "let me be your mentor." But they position themselves in such a way that I naturally would go to them with relevant questions. They make it clear that they would get some benefit out of contributing to my growth in the area. (And I have experienced the mentor side of things as well, and it is indeed rewarding.) Point is, I have always had a mentor of some sort completely naturally and with minimal effort (and certainly without paying).
Having a strong psychology background, I have been trying for the last few weeks to figure out what is different about real estate investing. There is no shortage of pay-mentor relationships available, which is something I have rarely ever come across.
Is it simply the entrepreneurial spirit required for REI that causes a would-be mentor to realize his or her mentoring is a marketable product and therefore should not be given away? (I think if that were really true, we wouldn't have this forum.) Is it a fear that one would be increasing competition by passing on one's knowledge? (I think if that were true, you wouldn't find generativity in any other market or career.)
I am not saying a mentoring relationship is not valuable. Of course it is. And I'm not saying it's not worth money. Of course it is. I'm just trying to figure out an explanation for why the mentoring relationship in REI is a business transaction, whereas everywhere else I've seen it, it is just part of the education cycle (you are mentored, you grow, you gain experience, and then you mentor someone else).
Originally posted by "brainfreeze02001":
You can go to your local public library
This is great advice. I have an amazon wish list full of REI books recommended by various people here and by other books I've read. I happened to check my local library online, expecting to maybe find 1 or 2, and I had > 80% hit rate. (And for those 20% that I couldn't find, I couldn't find them at Borders either! So, it's probably just because the books are not mass market.)
Originally posted by "brainfreeze02001":
If you really want them to walk you through a whole deal on here then you need to offer up some sort of commission that is acceptable with both parties.
Why? You are thinking short term here. Most every other market, there is sort of an unconscious realization that no one learns what they need to know all by themselves, and therefore information is shared freely (in the sense of no restrictions, not necessarily in the monetary sense).
Interesting to think about, if nothing else.