Thanks everyone for the advice!
I certainly have a lot to think about and will make sure I keep everyone up to date on how it goes. There are a lot of options and a lot of differing opinions as I expected. There's also a good bit of realism salt (in the wound) thrown in which is absolutely necessary and appreciated.
I'm going to be taking the slow and steady route. For everyone concerned about my family and finances; I understand in the context I asked the question that it seemed I might be taking too big of a risk. This is not the case, but I appreciate the thought. I have other savings and emergency funds. I have insurances continued both through my wife who is in the medical profession, and through my remaining in the reserves for an amount of time after my discharge. I also have an EXTREMELY marketable skill in nuclear power as a fall back. Not to mention receiving 6-figure job offers 7 months from my discharge, one of which I will be deciding to take in November. This is why I'm turning down a $95k bonus to stay in. They have to offer these bonuses to keep enough people from going out getting easy 6-figure+ jobs. (I really hope this doesn't come off wrong, it's the reality of my situation right now, just sharing.)
I'll certainly be sticking around and learning from you all. In the meantime, it won't hurt to spend a little money here and there 'finding my swing' per-se in REI. Thanks again everyone for your contributions. See you around!