Originally posted by @Mew Kang:
Unsure what type to go after (but looking at multifamily and vacation - really hate idea of flipping or anything very physically intense, and actually not interested in personally seeing it - long distance is good) and how to find the one to partner with (since i dont have any money of my own and lack the experience)
Do you have a local REIA? If so, go to it. If not, start one yourself. I've seen several ideas for starting REIAs on this thread. Just surround yourself with people who are interested in real estate. Sooner or later you'll get one or two who've actually bought real estate.
Here in the armpit of the Universe (Miami, OK) I walked into our local chamber of commerce and asked about how to contact the local REIA and got the familiar deer-in-the-headlights look from the clerk behind the counter. Yet I know of three other people in this area who do real estate. And I haven't even gone and looked for more yet. One of them is a real estate agent. I plan to gather these three people into a neutral location and get them to teach me what they know.
You lack experience? I also lack experience. I bought into the old lie in public school. The one where they tell you that smart people will never be strong and strong people will never be smart. I can remember crawling around on the roof of our house pulling loose shingles off when I was 12. Unfortunately I don't remember much else about back then.
If you want experience, try doing the work. At first, it will be very hard. And unpleasant. But then it will get easier. Your muscles will be very sore in the beginning, then they won't be. You'll be Strong. And better yet, you'll have experience. Set goals and meet them. Then set more goals. What's the old saying? "If you want your parents to buy you a dog, start by asking for an elephant." Send me a connection request if you want and we'll talk more.