You know what bugs the Dickens out of me!? What I just don't understand? It seems like every home i have ever purchased or rehabbed has had this Problem. I know its all just a conjured up marketing trick thought up by some home improvement store executive to make me spend more money! What causes me so much pain!? What drives me to Insanity? What is more annoying than Rosanne singing the National Anthem?
The Four Light Bulb Bathroom Vanity Light Fixture.
Sure it looks nice, it makes the bathroom areas in a rehab dazzle and shine. It says, "Hey!, Look at those granite vanities and wow! Look at that shiny new Sink Faucet." I even must admit, it makes me look more handsome in the mirror as the glow of its effervescent light shines down on my tan skin...
"Why does this bother you?" you might ask. Because every time i have purchased a home and these lights are in them, they always need new bulbs or they have mixed match bulbs.
Now this is what drives me bonkers! The bulbs come in packs of threes!!! The math is simple. I have to buy 2- three packs of these bulbs to fill in the four vacant spots on this fixture of insanity. This leaves me with two extra bulbs! TWO EXTRA BULBS!!!!
Its just like the way they sell you 8 Hot dog wieners in a pack but only 6 buns come in the bun pack...or is it vice versa? You see what I mean. So much unusable meat with no bread vehicle to travel to my stomach.
You would think the light fixture guys would get together with the light bulb people and say "Hey lets make America Great Again! Lets not tick everyone off with all these extra bulbs that will be rolling around in peoples bathroom drawers...Lets be smart here and make a 4 pack of Bulbs!"
I know its a small thing! But come on, Help me out here. I find myself standing in the Lowes Light Bulb aisle looking for a 4 pack of round Bulbs that doesn't exist. Like somehow they started making them since the last time I bought them... So much disappointment...So painful. I feel so ashamed.
I would love to hear what drives you bonkers on a rehab or in a Real Estate Deal. I know its probably not as serious as mine, but still I'm sure its important to you...