@Nicole A. I don't know the laws in Baltimore about providing water but here they don't require it. On my duplex, I pay for the water and got very concerned when the water bill exceeded $200 per month on 3 bedroom 1.5 bath each side, so I took the approach to change all the toilets to low-flow toilets (which also helps to reduce toilet overflow problems) and ensure I had all leaks fixed.
Once that happened, I then included a paragraph in my new lease that the tenants will receive a $100 water credit and if the bill exceeds $200 the the tenants will be responsible for half of the overage. I do not provide any refund of this credit what so ever as this is part of rent.
Then I noticed the water bill has been reduced to around $150 per month which encouraged each side to conserve water. I am totally amazed that this technique worked and now I make more money per month on the property and it has paid for the toilets!
Additionally, I pay for the trash service (our city does not provide trash service). The reason I do this is previously the trash pilled up outside and the property started to look run-down. By providing this as part of the rent, it helps keep the place looking much nicer. Other neighbor owners do not provide trash service and their properties look like dumps! I do not provide the trash cans as these often get damaged or become missing, so the tenants can either provide them or use trash bags - so far it has worked just fine.
I hope this help and good luck!