"Invest in yourself" has been a motif of several business/investing books I've read and I totally agree. However, each author seems to talk about a seminar or workshop that changed his/her life and started them on the path to making real money by implementing "the formula" they were taught and taking the risk.
This sounds great, but am I the only one left wondering what kind of legitimate programs are actually available? I'm a little jaded after seeing so many seminars or workshops that you pay for just to find out you actually have to pay for the "next steps" to finally get started and the cycle seems to keep going.
I'm not claiming that I've gone to a ton of these or that I know a lot about them; I was wondering what any of you might have encountered that was actually legitimate, helpful, and gave you results. I'd like to start attending workshops, seminars, or training but just not sure what would be the best route to take and start making an investment.
Would love to hear your feedback and experiences! Thanks!